Breeding Information

When scientists first brought the Aquarium fish to the lab to study them, they discovered that no matter how closely they imitated their lagoon home, the fish would not breed.  Further testing of the water from the lagoon detected the presence of a unique chemical compound which they discovered was emitted from tiny starfish that were scattered throughout the lagoon.  When they introduced these starfish into the tanks were the fish were housed they started to breed!  Somehow, the fish had come to rely on the presence of the starfish in order to breed.  Each starfish only emits enough of the chemical to enable one breeding.  One male fish and one female fish are required to breed.  Fish in a proper Aquarium have a better chance of having multiple offspring in a breeding than those that are not.

Yellow Starfish

A basic starfish.  Guarantees at least one offspring.  Gender is random.  Small likelihood of additional mutations or s-genes.

Blue Starfish

Guarantees at least one male offspring.  Small likelihood of additional mutations or s-genes.

Rainbow Starfish

Very rare starfish.  Genetically modified, allows customization of single offspring.

Purple Starfish

Guarantees at least one female offspring.  Small likelihood of additional mutations or s-genes.

Red Starfish

Guarantees multiple birth.  Small likelihood of additional mutations or s-genes.

Gold Starfish

Very rare starfish.  Allows inter-species breeding.  Will not result in a hybrid. 50/50 chance of resulting in either species used in the breeding.

How To Breed

So you've got your starfish, now what?  First, you need to have two fish of the same species, either your own, or borrow somebody else's (with permission).  Next you need to send the following form to quyllur

Topic: Aquarium Breeding

Username who will own the offspring:
Female Fish ID#
Male Fish ID#
Starfish colour:
Owner of Starfish:
Link to Aquarium:(if you have one; using [URL] tags)

*If you are using somebody else's fish in the breeding, they will need to send a PM with permission as well, including the fish's ID#.

Then What Happens?

Once your fish fall under the influence of the starfish, you'll soon see one or more eggs pop up in your Aquarium or Album.  It takes about 2 weeks for eggs to hatch and then you'll have to give your new fish a name.  You can sell your eggs, but you don't really get a good idea of what the fish is going to look like until it actually hatches.